Saturday Vigil 4:00pm
Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am,
12:00pm (Vietnamese)
Monday- Friday 8:30am
8:30am & 6:30pm (English)
Holy Day Vigil Mass 7:30pm (Vietnamese)
Saturday 3:00pm
(or by appointment)
Monday 6:00pm
(except holiday's or Holy Day's)
As Pastor let me extend a warm welcome to you and other viewers who visit our Parish on the Net. I hope you'll find this "extension" of our Parish inviting and interesting, as well as a great way to stay informed about upcoming parish activities. We hope to keep the information available here fresh and vital for you, our parishioners and visitors. Through our website, you will find staff and parishioners who desire to make you feel welcome at St. Martin of Tours. Please feel free to contact the parish office with your questions and interests.
No matter where you are at in your journey of faith, we would like to welcome you with open arms at our church and parish in person as well. We believe that Christ loves and embraces us in each moment, regardless our limitations and failures. We challenge each other to grow deeper in our encounters with Jesus through many of our adult programs, small faith sharing groups, and service. We commit ourselves to pray and worship, with spirited liturgies, placing Eucharistic at the center of our shared faith life. We learn and listen to each other and through our commitment to life-long faith formation. And we serve. Our prayer and learning send us out to live our faith in our relationships with family and friends and through parish ministries to the needs of people in our community and beyond.
We seek to warmly welcome all people without judgment (regardless of the stage of their spiritual life) with all their hopes, struggles and failures. We don’t have all the answers, but we can offer you companionship as we seek God’s truth together. Please feel at home at St. Martin of Tours and let us know how we can serve you, and our brothers and sisters, better and more effectively.
Fr. Andrzej Sudol, SCJ
We aspire to become growing and vibrant disciples of Jesus Christ who are sent to minister to our brothers and sisters in our parish and larger community. We are committed to worship and pray as one community and to welcome those who are new to our parish. We aspire to listen to each other and learn, through a variety of formation meetings, about our heritage and who we hope to become. We aspire to accept our limitations and celebrate our diversity and talents. Lastly, we strive to follow the example of Jesus Christ to serve those in need and to become the Good Shepherd for them.
A diverse and vibrant, growing community of disciples of Jesus Christ that aspires to be a beacon of the Word to all.