The Stewardship Committee oversees the ongoing stewardship efforts of the parish; develops plans for educating the parish and harvesting the gifts of its parishioners; collaborates with committees of the parish to incorporate stewardship throughout all areas of ministry; and creates plans to ensure that all parishioners, new and current, feel they are a valuable part of the parish.
Mike Karolewicz, (414) 430-8182
New parishioners are welcomed with a phone visit. Current parishioners make contact shortly after people join the parish to invite them into the life of the parish.
Contact Gerry and Pat Tobin,
(414) 425-6572
Welcome cards are placed in hymnals throughout the church for visitors to take with them after liturgy. The cards have information about times liturgies, prayer services, and reconciliation as well as a QR code that is linked to the parish website.
Contact Mike Karolewicz
This ministry organizes social events for the parish. Dinners, brunches, and other larger meal gatherings are held throughout the year to bring the community together and to celebrate. One weekend each month, Hospitality of donuts and beverages follow liturgies to gather socially.
Contact Beth Rydeski,
A listing of ways to make parishioners aware of the number and type of service opportunities available in the parish and as outreach to the community.
Life events – birthdays, wedding anniversaries, sacraments – are recognized with greetings from the parish.
Parish leaders and parishioners of all ages receive the stewardship message through formation events, homilies, and parish and community communication.