The community of St. Martin of Tours is a place of welcome and appreciation. Your presence here is important to all of us. Your gifts, talents, and abilities are greatly valued. This is a community open to the Spirit and always ready to explore new ways of actually living community, exploring our faith, and testing our limits. Our membership exhibits a sense of great generosity in volunteering to serve in so many areas from ministry to social action. I hope you will continue in sharing your giftedness and encourage others to join us. You are the living testimony to God’s presence among us by your use of time, talent, and treasure. May your faith in the future continue to exhibit your strengths and help us all to move forward together.
Watch our activities around the parish and pick and choose your areas of involvement and interest. May all of you come to call this place your home away from home and find a milieu of familiarity here. May the list of parishioners help you with name recognition.
Thank you for your contribution to our faith community. May you gain from the strength of others and may you share your own strengths for others.
Fr. Andrzej Sudol, SCJ
The pastoral council at St. Martin of Tours is responsible for a continuous process of pastoral planning, which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, Archdiocese, broader community, and world, guiding and determining the direction of the parish by providing spiritual leadership and engaging in long- and short-term planning.
When parishioners make a financial commitment the parish can budget in a fiscally responsible way for all the programs and services needed to help members grow in their faith. The third Tuesday of the month the finance committee members meet to review the parish budget.
MAC, formally known as the 360 Degree Committee, is focussing on finding ways to build community in the parish, further faith development, and foster a missionary/evangelical approach to growing our parish for the next 5 years.
Parish trustees are elected directors of the parish corporation. They assist the pastor in the day-to-day administration of the parish and are members of parish leadership. Trustees assist in matters affecting church and civil law such as the financial and real estate matters of the parish. Trustees serve two-year terms. Current trustees: David Vanness and Joanne Stolowski.
Members profess to practice good stewardship of the gifts God has given, including time, talent, and treasure. Each year we take time to look at how we have used these gifts and how we will use them to foster God's work in the coming year. Parishioners are asked to make a commitment of his/her time, talent, and treasure in service to others and the parish.
This group telephones newly registered parishioners, welcoming them to the parish and answering any questions they may have.
Maintains the parish grounds and cemetery. Parishioners are invited to participate in many important chores and seasonal or special projects. Contact Joe Koshick.
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee, led by Archbishop Jerome Listecki, serves 10 counties with 633,739 Catholics. St. Martin of Tours is a member of District 16. The central office and agencies serve the Church of Southeastern Wisconsin by providing ministries that cannot be met by individual parishes. A complete directory of services can be found on the Archdiocesan website.
Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center, 3501 S Lake Drive, PO Box 070912, Milwaukee WI 53207-0912, 414-769-3300 or 800-769-9373 -
The goal of the Safe Environment program is to protect our children and all in the church family from sexual abuse and related dangers. We are committed to continuing this initiative by requesting all adults, age 18 or over, who participate in parish programs as a coach, catechist, office help, food server, general volunteer, chaperone, or other position where they will be in contact with our children or youth be required to complete the Safe Environment training.