March 1, 2025
Pictures from our March parish dinner. Please join us for our monthly dinners and enjoy great food with wonderful company.
December 8, 2024
Join us again this year for breakfast with Santa. Bring your families and enjoy a wonderful breakfast together and have an opptorunity to take pictures with Santa! Who knows, he may even have a gift for you.
We are excited to announce that we will be hosing Totus Tuus again this year! We will only having the day program this year for children up to 6th grade.
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage stopped at our parish for adoration and refreshments before heading to their next location. It was a beautiful event for our parish to participate in.
We are making a new parish photo directory! Come get your family picture taken for FREE for our drectory. We would like this to be a valuable resourse for our parishions, so the more families that participate, the more effective it will be. You can sign up for a date and time HERE.
Women of the parish enjoyed dinner together and a wonderful evening of community bonding and entertainment.
Friday, June 14, 2024
Members of our parish and staff enjoyed a tailgate party at the church brefore heading to American Family Field to cheer on the Brewers.
Our First Communion class went on a retreat to the Catholic Ecology Center in Neosho to prepare to receive their First Communion in May.
Our religious education family night involved making and packing meals for Street Angles to help feed the homeless in Milwaukee.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Our Vietnamese community, First Communicants, and the Catholic Schoolhouse homeschool group all participated in May Crownings on May 5 and May 6 to honor Mary.
Some of our High Schoolers attended the Wisconsin Catholic Group Rally. There were over 400 teens in attendace for a day to celebrate and reflect on our faith.
Families enjoyed breakfast together and were able to meet and take pictures with Santa!
We had a wonderful night of dinner, dancing and a silent aucation in honor of the feast day of St. Martin of Tours.
Our High School Religious Education (Life Teen) students decorated cookies with their families for the bake sale.
Our high school religious education students raked leaves around our parish building and in the cemetary. We are very grateful that they volunteered with this project and helped make our parish grounds beautiful.
Children dressed up as their favorite saints and spoke about the saint they chose. It was a wonderful Mass and way to honor the saints.