Liturgial Ministry is ensures Masses run soothly as well as providing a beautiful environment for our parish. Volunteers in this ministry inculde alter servers, Eucharist Ministers, worship committee, church environment committee, lectors, ushers, and children's liturgy of the word. If you are interested in helping our chuch looks beautiful and serving in differnt aspects during the Mass, then please consider joining this very important ministy!
Amy Dey
This committee is responsible for the planning and preparation of liturgies and coordination of all liturgical ministries including ministers of hospitality, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, musicians, and servers. The committee invites all interested people to consider becoming active in the ministry in their area of interest and talent.
Contact Amy Dey or Br. Duane Lemke, SCJ
Church environment is an important component of the Worship committee. We have many opportunities for decorations and we encourage creativity in designing banners, etc. We need to prepare the church for liturgical seasons and there is always much to be done for Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter.
We need eleven (11) ministers at each Mass. These volunteers have the privilege of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during communion.
Readers proclaim the first two scripture passages for the Sunday liturgy and Prayers of the Faithful (petitions). A reader should feel comfortable speaking before a large group, be able to speak distinctly, and be willing to spend time studying the readings he/she will be proclaiming.
Altar servers are boys and girls in grades 3 through 12 who have celebrated their First Communion who assist the priest during the celebration of the Mass. We also invite adults to be servers.
Ushers are responsible for greeting parishioners as they arrive for Mass, taking the collection, and overseeing the procession to receive communion. They also remain alert for any situations in which someone requires assistance. After mass they hand out bulletins and bid departing people goodbye.
Contact Cindy or Dave Flynn
Liturgy of the Word for Children is celebrated at the 8:30 and 10:30 masses. Children of the parish are invited to hear the scripture readings proclaimed and explained at their level. They are able to engage in active discussion of the Gospel reading and put into action in everyday life what they learned.