Adult Formation

Adult Formation

Chosen Season Three

Thursdays in the Narthex beginning Sept. 26th with last episode on Nov. 14th (8 consecutive weeks).

All events will be held on Thursdays in the Narthex beginning at 6:30pm.
Fellowship begins at 6:00pm. 


1. Chosen Season Three 

First episode on September 26th. Last episode on November 14th - 2024. (8 consecutive weeks} 


2. One-night informal advent retreat{1 session} 

December 5th – 2024. 


3. Deepening Prayer Life  {2 sessions} 

March 13th and March 20th – 2025. 

 4. Comparing Gospel Passion Narratives; Lenten preparation {2 sessions} 

April 3rd and April 10th - 2025 

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