Thank you for your interest in educating your child about our catholic faith and offering them an opportunity to grow closer to God. Our parish offers an enrichment program for our children and our high school teens. All parishioners are encouraged to be enrolled in either program. Please see each separate tab on our website for registration information.
While our educational teams are equipped with knowledge and offered training opportunities, our catechists should not be the only educators of our children. In fact, the primary source of catholic education should come from the home. Parents are the first and primary teachers of our catholic faith. We are here to support you. One of the most important ways to better understand our faith and to be submerged in our parish is to regularly attend Mass. Mass in an essential part of the foundation of our faith and religious education should not be a substitute for Mass but an extra aide in a child/teens journey to becoming a catholic adult.
Family Formation is also important to our parish and should not be overlooked! It is a goal of ours to be able to offer a strong education program for all parishioners: birth – senior years. Please see our bulletin for upcoming opportunities. If you have an idea of a topic or program you would like to see at St. Martin of Tours, please let us know.
If you would like to join our Christian Formation team, please contact Abby Wass. We have several different types of opportunities yearly. Your time and talent are greatly appreciated.
RCIA is a process through which non-baptized men and women enter the Catholic Church. It is also for those baptized in a different faith tradition who wish to become Catholic, or baptized Catholic but never confirmed. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer, and rites at Mass. They undergo a process of conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Participants are instructed in the Catholic faith by catechists willing to share their Catholic faith.
School age children who are not baptized or are out of sequence with their classmates are given the opportunity to enter a sacramental preparation program with their parents. Sessions cover the theological elements of the sacraments and will foster a great understanding of our call to discipleship.
During Lent we offer Stations of the Cross weekly in Church, everyone is welcome.
We invite you to join us in October when our religious education and Knights of Columbus council pray a living rosary.
Available to anyone who has a special intention for which they would like prayers. Prayer requests are confidential and new prayer members are always welcome. Call the parish office to make a request or join the chain.