Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

Elementary and Middle School classes are Monday evenings at 6:15pm. Our goal is to provide children with religious and academic knowledge at the appropriate grade levels, encourage a better appreciation of our Catholic heritage, and develop lifelong spirituality. It is important that students and their families attend Mass on a regular basis for students to better understand our faith. Religious education is not a subsitute for Mass as Mass is an essential part of the foundation of what is taught. 

Our high school and Confrirmation classes (Life Teen) meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.

Click the link below for the registration form for 2024/2025. 

2024-2025 Religious Education Registration Link

Children's Faith Formation Schedule 2024/2025

Class Schedule

Classes begin in September and go through


There are also events for parents to attend on Monday evenings while their children are in class.

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