Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
If you have ever had the experience of going for a walk on a trail during the winter, or especially if you have ever gone on
a hike in the winter, spent some time at the lake or in a park alone, you may have had the experience of silence and stillness that you cannot experience anywhere else. Another place of silence for me is the chapel of the novitiate where I live in Raymond. It is the beauty of quiet rest and silence space that gives me the opportunity to slow down and be in the moment.
One of the messages of Advent that prepared us for Christmas, was to slow down in our busyness and worries of daily life.
We must remember to give God a chance to speak to us, especially during our prayer. We can hear God when we silence
our hearts even during a busy day.
Being on the threshold of Christmas, we know that into the silence of that winter night, our God changed everything. Even as hearts and hands were cold, and politics and corruption were just the way things worked, into a world grown tired and fearful, to a people who had despaired of hope, a most wonderful gift had been given. They had yet to appreciate its wonder. Many were oblivious of the moment of its arrival, and most would miss it or choose not to receive it. But the Gift – the best Gift of all – lay there in a manger. The long-awaited Messiah, the only Begotten one of God, Emmanuel, came to be the Gift that would give light and warmth to a cold and lonely world.
Of course, that same Gift is for us today! Our times are not so different from those in ancient Israel. The need for a Savior is
just as great now as it was then. We, too, can become fed-up by political corruption, consumerism gone wild, daily worries
and struggles. Our lives are as busy and complicated as they were two thousand years ago.
It is up to us to continue to search for sense and truth to keep us going despite the difficulties and confusion of our times. It is up to us to choose to have firm purpose of amending our lives as Christians and to keep our faith. It is up to us to carve out some silence and make an effort to encounter God especially now, during this blessed time of Christmas. And when we do that, God pours out His grace: given to us in the form of a tiny child, who is the long-awaited One: Wonder-Counselor,
God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace. He is the One who makes our lives bright and warms the world around us with
God’s presence. This Gift changes everything. Not what the world expected, but what it desperately, urgently needed – now
as then!
So, when we wish others a “Merry Christmas”, it is with more than a wish of fun times, nice gifts, and wonderful parties. It is
instead a wish for true peace, overwhelming love, and heroic mercy. Indeed a “Merry Christmas” is a wish that the other’s life would be filled with the presence of God who makes all things new, makes all things right, gives every needed gift, and provides grace for every situation.
Please know of my prayers for you every day during this holy time. On behalf of Father Francis Vu, my associate, Deacons
Chuck, Bruno and Tien, and all the staff of Saint Martin of Tours parish, we wish a blessed and very Merry Christmas to all of
you and your families.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Andrzej Sudol, Pastor