By Jenny Drzewiecki
January 29, 2025
Traditionally I prepare and present to you dear parishioners an end of year pastor’s report at the start of the New Year. It is always helpful to look back and reflect on everything that happened in our parish community in the past year. 2024 was a successful year for us at St. Martin of Tours. We had great plans and expectations, but unable to complete every target we hoped for. However, at the end of the year, we are satisfied and grateful to God for the progress and growth. New Members and Ministries I want to express my gratitude to the parish Staff, members of the Councils, many volunteers and those who minister in our community for their hard work, advice and willingness to serve at St. Martin of Tours. We are blessed to have them with us. We welcomed five new Staff members, Fr. Francis Vu (Associate pastor) Pilar Azmani (Administrative Assistant), Abby Wass (Religious Education) and Dcn. Tien Pham, who was ordained to diaconate in September, 2024, and also joined our parish Staff. Julie Baker became our bookkeeper just recently. All of them brought a lot of quality, new energies and substantial changes in our leadership and administrative work. Our stewardship and hospitality committees have grown and worked very hard by inviting and growing new members to our parish community. It is clear that we are making progress to be a welcoming church to the entire Franklin area. Our parish ministries have grown significantly in 2024. Our food pantry helped 3,737 people this year, about 450 more than last year. Our childcare ministry at the 10:30am Sunday Masses began in April. We have a regular group of children that attend weekly, but more are always welcome. We are also looking for additional volunteers to help with this ministry. Our marriage ministry, Together in Holiness, began in October and will run for seven months, and we are hoping to form another small group. A Grief group started this year and has a solid reoccurring group of attendees. The Human Concerns Committee hosted the annual Mother’s Day Rose sale for Right to Life, organized the giving trees for Christmas and they hosted a school supply drive and toy drive. Our Prayer Shawl ministry, consisting of 13 members, made 117 shawls, 10 lap shawls, 42 baby blankets, 375 baby hats, 24 child hats, 6 adult hats, and 78 helmet lines for the military. The Christian Women’s rummage sale was very successful again this past summer and brought in over $10,000. Our parish dinners are well attended. The Fall Harvest Fest brought in over $15,000 due to the generosity of our parishioners. Regarding new communication outlets for the parish, we added new TV monitors in the Narthex and main church hallway to provide information on upcoming events in the parish and in the community. We are going to continue to grow these ministries in 2025. Facility usage We have multiple renters using our parish facilities throughout the week. Catholic Schoolhouse homeschool group has about 90 children that use our school building on Fridays. CHESS, another homeschool group, uses our school building on Wednesdays. The Caledonian Scottish Dancers use our gym and stage on Thursday evenings. And, St. Mary's basketball teams use our gym on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. We also have a parish pickleball league that plays every Monday and Thursday night and soccer games on Friday evenings. Prayer and Worship as One Community Our first purpose as a religious community is to pray and worship. We had a solemn and beautiful celebration of Easter, our patron feast St. Martin of Tours and Christmas. Each celebration was outstanding and meaningful. I was encouraged by your involvement, help and large participation. I am glad we have more opportunities and occasions to pray and organize social gatherings at St. Martin of Tours. We are committed to continuing these events and celebrations that strengthen us as one community of brothers and sisters in Christ. The social gatherings, hospitality, food and fellowship encourage people to come to church and join our religious community. I also believe the Vietnamese community feels more at home at St. Martin of Tours and is growing in numbers. We will continue to make an effort to bring both our communities (Vietnamese and English) closer to each other in prayer and worship as well as social events with respect of course to our cultural difference. The New Lunar Year celebration in February which was attended by nearly 2,000 people as well as the most recent celebration of the Epiphany with bilingual Mass and fellowship after Mass are good example of this. Our Strategic Plan We completed our 5-year Vision and Mission statement one year ago and targeting completion of a more detailed implementation plan by Easter 2025. Our parish Staff, both of the Councils (Pastoral and Finance) and MAC (Mission Advancement Committee) have been working hard setting priorities and key 5-year goals for our parish community. We hope to complete the Strategic Plan for St. Martin of Tours parish before Easter. Helpful Numbers At this moment we are a community of 995 Active Families (2,483 Active members). We welcomed 45 new families who joined our parish in 2024. We lost 25 of our members who passed away and 27 families who left the area. Sacraments in 2024 were: 20 baptisms (including two adults); 18 children received First Communion and first reconciliation. 10 students received Confirmation. Six couples received sacrament of marriage. We provided catechism classes to 86 elementary children in the English and Vietnamese communities, and 21 in high school. In short, we are alive and there are signs of growth. Completed major projects We were able to accomplish a few maintenance projects in 2024, which you probably noticed. I will mention just the major ones: Replaced all HVAC units for a total of $250,000; Resolved Foundation leak issue $4,500; Replaced kitchen exhaust blower unit $12,000; Patched back parking lot $3,200; TechJoy network implementation (total renewal of IT infrastructure and moving the parish data from servers to “the cloud”) $57,000; Replaced water pressure tanks in the cafeteria area due to failure and flood $6,000; Installed 2 TVs in church $5,000; Repair fire pump and cistern w/ refill $6,000. These $343,700 of projects in total we were able to accomplish without touching our regular budget. Most of these were done with the aid of the Love One Another campaign. Thank you very much for your generosity. 2025 / 2026 Initiatives There are a few projects we must undertake in this coming year. Bell tower renovation; Hearing aid system in the church; School windows $75,000-100,000; Replace back parking lot and side road $180,000 and $120,000; Replace 70 year old school heating system. Manage the need to replace the near exhausted school roof on the single story building at apx $150,000. With extended school facility usage reserve accounts must be planned for in the event of failure. We also hope to complete the stained-glass windows project in this year with donated funds vs operating funds. Our Financial Situation We are stable financially and we are not carrying a debt. The collections were stable in the past year and various fundraising activities gave us additional income which is being managed by our investment committee. There are many needs and plenty of upkeep developments we have to encounter within the next few years, but I believe we are doing well. However, we have a deficit of $73,000 in the operating budget this year because we hired new staff members. I am convinced we will eliminate our deficit within a year or two. We must increase collections this year. This is the only way to eliminate the deficit. Thus, I would like to ask you to consider to be more generous with your offerings to the weekly collection. I am grateful to our Finance Council and Investment committee for being good stewards of our money and for their professional work. To conclude , I am confident, this year will be another busy and successful year. I believe we will continue to grow in number but also in spirit. We will become an even more vibrant and growing community reaching out to those in need in the parish and larger community. Lastly, thank you for your prayers and support. I appreciate your comments and encouraging words but also your suggestions for improvements. Please do not hesitate to give me your feedback and thoughts not just about this report but also about our parish life. Our effort as parish Staff and administration makes only sense with your willingness to collaborate and your care. I am blessed and proud to be your pastor. Fr. Andrzej