Pastor's Welcome

Welcome to st. martin of tours

Welcome from Fr. Andrzej

Welcome to St. Martin of Tours Faith Community. I pray you will experience an awakening of your faith and you will grow in spirituality by being a part of St. Martin of Tours.

St. Martin of Tours was established in 1998 as the result of two congregations merging; Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and Holy Assumption parishes. These parishes were served by the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart since 1971 and continue to serve St. Martin of Tours. This history is documented in the introductory pages of the parish online directory. The directory also contains information about our patron Saint, Martin of Tours, and our Mission and Vision statements. I believe you will find this interesting and it will help you relate to the emphasis we place on Stewardship, Youth, and Evangelization. Education, Faith Formation and outreach to the poor are an important part of these focus areas.

As pastor I have expectations of all parishioners:

  • Regular attendance at liturgies and reception of the sacraments.
  • Good stewardship of God’s gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure. This means participating in activities and giving generously of your own time, talent and treasure. I ask all to consider giving a proportionate amount of your family’s earnings or give at least one hour’s wage a week to God’s work.
  • I also expect the religious education of our youth to be a family priority through regular mass attendance, and use of our religious education program. Further, I expect all will work to keep our youth involved in church activities, as they become young adults. Your time and talent can be put to good use in helping to achieve this by becoming catechists or youth leaders.
  • And, I expect all to be evangelists – to reach out to those who have strayed from practicing the gift of faith once received or yet to be received.

I believe my expectations are high but see no reason for them to be anything less.

You can participate in many activities at St. Martin of Tours. 

St. Martin of Tours has a tradition of faith reaching back to the mid-1800’s. Those before us saw the need for a church and built one. They saw the need for good catholic education and built a school. Most recently we saw the need for additional space and created a vision – a New Tradition was started. Our tradition has started with our new church which was completed in September 2004 and the old church building has become our gathering space to celebrate life’s events. 

One additional expectation; have fun being involved and making new friends. I invite you to be actively involved and add to the positive atmosphere of our parish.

With blessings and best wishes, I’m pleased to welcome you to St. Martin of Tours.

May God bless you,

Rev. Andrzej Sudol, SCJ - Pastor

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